Friday, December 14, 2007

Chapter 19, 20, and 21/review

The Messenger was a wonderful story, which is why I am not going to tell the ending. I recommended you read this book. There are many messages and lessons exampled by the characters.
Leader said that your gifts are your greatest weapon. I think that is one of the lessons that Lois Lowry was trying to get across. Throughout the story everyone was getting meaner and did not care for others because of trade. I believe that she is trying to say that, in our world people are getting to greedy and are not caring as much for each other because of money and things like that.
The only other book I have read by Lois Lowry was The Giver. I enjoyed the Messenger better than The Giver. I think the Messenger has a better ending. The Giver ends with the main character, Jonas, trying to find a better place to live, riding on a red sleigh in the snow. the author let's the reader decide whether or not he makes it. Well, in the Messenger, Lois Lowry makes it clear that Jonas did make it because Leader, whose name is Jonas, founded Village, traveling on a red sleigh. Both Jonas in The Giver and Jonas in the Messenger have the gift to "see beyond".


Jkress said...

the messanger sounds really intresting. i didnt know it was the sequal to the giver. but you just told me the ending to the giver. you cant assume i already read the giver

Allison P. said...

OHHHHHHHHHHh erin! i like ur bloggy woggy! lol its really goooood!!! yay =)

Joanna said...

WOW ERIN, you are a very good blogger. I am really interested to find out what happens. I wish you had told us!!